A-RMS is an aeronautical information management (AIM) tool for billing and revenue management that has been developed in conjunction with industry players to assist providers of Air Navigation Services in managing their ANS revenue collection operations. By providing an automated, technological alternative to arduous and costly paper-based, manual processes, which are often prone to errors and omissions, ANS providers can increase revenue by up to 30% by:
A-RMS collects flight data by interfacing with Radar Data Processing (RDPS), Flight Data Processing (FDPS) and AMHS / AFTN systems to ensure accurate billing of airspace usage. It allows ANS providers to fully manage the accounts of airspace users, to gather the details of planes and pilots, facilitate payments and manage account status.
A-RMS’s versatile architecture allows it to be used by all providers of Air Navigation Services from general aviation services and private airfields up to commercial aviation and national ANSPs.
To ensure that they receive the revenue owed to them, Providers of Air Navigation Services need to be able to accurately track information on:
In addition, use of statistical analysis of past revenue performance can help to improve processes and aid with future planning.
A-RMS provides a single solution for aeronautical billing, with relational databases of airspace users, their account status, aircraft and flight info, the ability to automatically generate invoices, keep track of them and take payments as well as generation of various types of statistics.
Increase revenue by accessing multiple sources of flight information to ensure all eligible flight movements are invoiced appropriately
Shorten the time from invoicing to payment receipt by reducing contested invoices through accurate and evidence-based invoicing
Collect on outstanding invoices through the proactive identification and notification of delinquent accounts to billing and ATC staff
Reduce the internal costs of billing activities through the automation and streamlining of processes
Further increases revenue through the provision of flexible online billing to prepay or resolve overdue payments
Flexible deployment of a system scalable to meet customers’ requirements via either a standalone system or a central database with local users
Automatic generate evidence based invoices and keep track of payments
Analyse past revenue performance to improve processes and aid future planning
Improve the management of user accounts, aircraft data and flight movements